The Big Reveal

For the last three years I have been juggling a pretty much full tome job in recruitment whilst being an artist! Pretty weird right?! Even weirder is the platform I chose to share my thoughts on initially was LinkedIn!! So I thought, why not start a blog on my website too…. Here it is!

It will likely come as some surprise to most of my connections, to hear that I have been leading a somewhat double life, well, more precisely 4 parts recruitment consultant, one part artist! Yes, that's right recruitment and art...

A rather unconventional paring, and it transpires, not entirely complementary! So, after 8 wonderful years of recruiting Architects for some of the most revered names in the business and working with a host of exceptionally talented and inspiring individuals, I have decided to take a leap and focus on my art for a while.

In fact, some of you may have attended one of my exhibitions, which took place about a year and a half ago at the fondly remembered, and unusual gallery space at Adrem Group, my former employer. where I was showing my "Books I've Never Read" series.

This was the first series I completed and took classic, acclaimed book titles, ranging from the cult to the popular, that I felt I really should have read, and aimed to interpret the themes and narratives based on minimal information gleamed from back cover blurbs and conversation with my well read wife. The aim was to engage with those who had read the titles who may recognise familiar imagery relating to their consciousness and memory of the novel and its themes, as well as to inspire those who have not read the books to do so and then perhaps wonder what the hell I was on about!

Each titles is a limited edition screen print, pulled by your truly with two or three overlapping colour layers which is taken from an original pen and ink drawing. The titles are as follows:

Memoirs of a Geisha - Original book by Arthur Golden. Limited edition of 30, A2 prints

The Handmaid's Tale - Original book by Margaret Atwood. Limited edition of 30, A2 prints

Infinite Jest - Original book by David foster Wallace. Limited edition of 30, A2 prints

The Bell Jar - Original Book by Sylvia Plath. Limited edition of 30, A3 prints

The Master and Margarita - Original book by Mikhail Bolgakov. Limited edition of 30, A2 prints


To mark my new venture, I am offering 20% off all prints in this series in the run up to Christmas. Prints can be purchased from my on line shop.

I am also open to commissions and would love to do more of these which would be a great gift to any book worm.

I will be writing a regular blog, tracking my progress and journey which will be posted on LinkedIn and my website for those who are interested, with more promotional offers in the coming weeks. I may even get into a bit of video action!

For those interested in what I have been doing beyond this series, please follow my Instagram @davidhorganart

Time will tell if this combination of LinkedIn and art promotion will work, but given my unconventional trajectory thus far, it might just!

See you soon.

David HorganComment